Kuliyyah of Engineering

  • June 1994 marked the opening of the Kulliyyah of Engineering, IIUM. The Kulliyyah is now offering nine undergraduate degree programmes by which eight of them have been accredited by the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). With the vision to be a “global center of innovative engineering education and research with values and professional ethics “, the mission of the Kulliyyah of Engineering is to be the referral hub for engineering education and sustainable solutions based on Islamic principles for a better world. To cope with the strict demands of the national and global job market, efforts are directed towards equipping the students with more than just the scientific background. This is fulfilled through enhancing the graduates’ soft skills through courses such as occupational English language, management sciences and credited co-curricular activities, as well as a variety of seminars on presentation skills, internet usage, and literature survey.
  • In an effort to cope with recent trends in engineering education and to enhance the internationalization of the graduates, the Kulliyyah has undertaken major steps towards Outcome Based Education (OBE) in accordance with the Washington Accord.
    OBE is now applied to all Kulliyyah’s programs as well as in all courses with the primary aim to facilitate desired changes in the students by enhancing knowledge, developing skills and positively influencing attitudes, values and judgment. Thus, the educational process of the Kulliyyah planned and geared towards achieving the targeted qualities of the graduates.
  • With the Kulliyyah’s philosophy based on the systems approach, the engineering programs offer an integrated and comprehensive education that transcends the boundaries of various disciplines. This is consistent with the Islamic concept of Tawhid, which unifies the spiritual and physical aspects of life into a harmonious continuity. Besides being professionally qualified and competent, the graduates will also acquire spiritual, intellectual, moral and ethical characteristics towards the development of an integral and harmonious existence with Allah (the creator), fellow human beings, and with the natural environment. The interdisciplinary approach to engineering education will not only allow the graduates to solve industrial and human problems; it will also enable them to bring about and manage changes in conformity with the worldview based on the principles of Islam.