Candidates should possess a relevant Bachelor degree with a very good academic record or its equivalent from any institution of higher learning recognized by the IIUM Senate and a Master’s degree from the IIUM or any other accredited institution of higher learning; or
Any other certificate that is recognized as equivalent to a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree or other relevant professional qualifications and experiences that are recognized by the Senate of the University.
Candidates of PhD programme at Kulliyyah of Engineering, must present (as shown in Table 1) a score of 500 in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or 5.0 points in the test administered by the International English Language Testing Service (IELTS). Alternatively, applicants may sit for the IIUM-administered English Placement Test (EPT) and obtain a minimum of 5.0 points to fulfil the English language requirement. Applicants who are unable to submit satisfactory results in any of the above test may take up language proficiency courses at the University to fulfil the admission requirements. The language requirements presented here are based on Postgraduate Regulations (Revised 2020). This language requirement is subjected to the University policy and may be updated in the future.
Table 1: General English Language Entry Requirements
Programmes |
Minimum TOEFL Score (Academic) |
Minimum IELTS Score (Academic) |
Minimum Score (EPT) |
PhD in Engineering |
Paper based :500 Computer based :173 Internet based :60 |
5 .0 Overall band score |
5 .0 Overall band score |
The Kulliyyah of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia was established in March 1994. Beginning February 1997, the Kulliyyah started its postgraduate programmes at the Doctor of Philosophy level (P_ENG).
Kulliyyah of Engineering envisioned to be “A Global Centre of Innovative Engineering Education and Research with Values and Professional Ethics” while the mission is “To be a Referral Hub for Engineering Education and Sustainable Solutions Based on Islamic Principles for a Better World”. The Kulliyyah strives to provide quality engineering education, which encompasses fundamental and specialized knowledge; and practice in engineering as well as a broad base knowledge in management, ethics, and humanities. Through this INTERDISCIPLINARY approach, the graduates are nurtured towards being well-rounded individuals who are professionally qualified and competent as well as having sound moral, spiritual, intellectual, and ethical characteristics; ready to serve the current and emerging needs of the society.
The Kulliyyah also encourages interdisciplinary research for the P_ENG programme that promotes collaboration between different departments. Four (4) new specializations are added namely; Chemical Engineering, Biochemical Engineering, Engineering Science and Engineering Mathematics. The aim of the diversification process in the programmes is to produce better P_ENG graduates, who are knowledgeable in advanced topics in Engineering including other engineering specializations, particularly in those related to other departments at the Kulliyyah of Engineering.