With the spirit to improve research activities in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, this research group focuses on:
- System modeling and simulation, sensing, computation, and actuation
- Fields contributing to applied mechanics, computational sciences, electromechanics, control, and information theory
- Multibody dynamics and system dynamics
Group Members
- Prof. Dr. Waleed Fekry Faris
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erwin Sulaeman
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Moumen Idres
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Fadly Jashi Darsivan Bin Ridhuan Siradj
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Mohamed Okasha
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Nabilah Bt. Ramli
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Zahir Hanouf
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Hilmi Bin Hela Ladin
Recently joined:
- Prof. Dr. Md. Ataur Rahman
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Alia Farhana Abdul Ghaffar
Group Activities
- Review the status of current research for each member in terms of conference participation, publications, PG students, etc.
- Follow up on the progress of PG students and allow them to present their work
- Discuss FYP titles and encourage collaboration between members
- Explore new research grant opportunities

Research Projects
- An Investigation Into Vehicle Interior Structural Borne and Airborne Noise and its Relationship to Ride Comfort (RIGS) 2017 – present
- Dynamic Modeling, Navigation and Control of Micro Aerial Vehicles (RIGS) 2017 – present
- Robust Adaptive EKF Modeling (FRGS) 2017 – present
- Development of Hybrid Statistical Energy Analysis and Transfer Path Analysis Method for Automotive Structures Involving Airborne and Structure-borne Source (RIGS) 2017 – present
- Parametric Optimization of a Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Powertrain with a Battery-Supercapacitor Energy Storage System (FRGS) 2015 – present
- Energy storage system for renewable energy – energy management for hybrid energy storage systems – TBD
- Supercapacitor – modelling of supercapacitor devices with nanomaterials as electrodes – TBD
Research Outputs
- International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE) 2018, Trajectory Tracking of Quaternion-based Quadrotor using Model Predictive Control
- International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE) 2018, Gain Scheduled Integral Linear Quadratic Control for Quadcopter
- IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 184, 2017, Investigation of Malaysian Low Earth Orbits for Remote Sensing Applications
- IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol. 260, 2017, Quadrotor Trajectory Tracking using PD Controller and LQR Control Approach
- International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2017, Flexible and Stretchable Circuits for Smart Wearables
- International Conference On Smart Instrumentations, Measurement and Applications 2017, Equivalent Circuit Characterization for a Double Layer Capacitor
- IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 184 (2017), An Investigation into NVC Characteristics of Vehicle Behavior using Modal Analysis
- International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, 4 (2). (2017), Stagnation Point Flow of Casson Fluid over Exponentially Stretching Sheet with Variable Thermal Conductivity and Newtonian Heating
- European Physical Journal Plus, 132 (2). (2017), MHD Casson Nanofluid Flow Past a Wedge with Newtonian Heating
- IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 260 (2017), Object Detection Technique for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
- Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vol. 8, No. 2, November 2017, Obstacle Detection Technique using Multi-Sensor Integration for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles