Module 4 & Closing Ceremony: Green School Module Program

Research is Our Culture

Module 4 & Closing Ceremony: Green School Module Program

On 11th May 2022, the final series of Green School Module with Setiabudi Secondary School (STB) students under Green School Module program, led by Dr. Nur Idayu Ayob, has been held at Anjung Budi of STB during the Co-Curriculum period. Closing Ceremony of the program also was held together with the final module activity.

In this program, the students have been introduced with Module 4: Fabrication of Water Filter from Charcoal led by Dr. Alya Naili Rozhan and Br. Ahmad Abdul Mun’im Ismail as the representative from Dr. Hadi Purwanto’s team and AMSERU. In the demonstrations and workshops, the students were divided into group of 3 and assisted by facilitators from AMSERU members and volunteers from MMESA. In conjunction with these modules, the students had executed the experiments; heat waste wooden materials to create char coal, observed the char under microscope and watched the demonstration of water filter using the produced charcoal. After the experiments, the students were asked to answer some simple questions and complete the report of the experiment for Module 4. The students were actively participated during the experiment and were excited with the results.

After the experiment for Module 4 was completed, a simple closing ceremony was held in conjunction with the completion of the four modules for the Green School Module Program. Throughout this program, 4 modules had been introduced; Module 1 – Biodegradable plastic, 2 – Fabrication of Plastic from Starch, 3 – Upcycling Used Cooking Oil to Soap and 4 – Charcoal as Water Filter. Dr. Ahmad Zahirani as the Head of Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, Dr. Norshahida Sarifuddin as the Coordinator for AMSERU, Dr. Maisarah Tajuddin from Green Waste Selangor (GWS) and Cikgu Hazril as the representative from STB also attended the ceremony. During the ceremony, certificates were given to all 33 students who have registered and participated all the modules program. Sr. Humairah Muslisham has been awarded as the Best Participant and Sr. Alya Raihana Azidin as the winner for Green Materials Video Competition in the Green School Module Program. They received certificates, presents from AMSERU, canvas eco-bag and present sponsored by GWS. The ceremony was closed with photo session as a memory. Overall AMSERU has received a lot of positive responses from the students and teachers regarding the program. Throughout this program also, the students were able to deepen their knowledge and interest in Materials Engineering and waste management.

We do hope this program will be beneficial to the young generation especially the school students in saving the planets and be rahmah to the earth. Together we contribute to the sustainability of our environment and planet.  Congratulations to all winners and all students who actively participated in the program. See everyone again in the next program insyaAllah!

Link for the Winner of the Green Materials Video Competition: