Advanced Materials and Surface Engineering Research Unit (AMSERU), International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) and Kulliyyah of Engineering in collaboration with Green Waste Selangor (GWS) will hold a program titled Climate Action Through 3C: Care, Create, & Charted. This program is sponsored by a UNESCO grant with the theme: Sustainable Workshop for Sustainable Society.
In this program, a lot of activities will be held such as an awareness exhibition on the importance of caring for the environment to reduce the climate change, demonstration on recycling from waste materials, and a competition called IIUM Young Scientist Explorer. This competition is about the invention of new products from waste materials among secondary schools.
Therefore, we are pleased to invite all teachers and students from secondary schools to participate in all the activities. The details of the program are as follows:
Date: 14th February 2023 (Tuesday)
Time: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm
Venue : International Islamic University Malaysia
For IIUM Young Scientist Explorer competition, the interested schools may refer the links below:
Competition requirements :
Competition registration:
For further information or inquiries, kindly contact Dr. Idayu ( or Green Waste Selangor (+6010-3214746).
We hope that this effort may increase the awareness among young generations about the importance of waste management in their daily life and to the environment.
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