The ICESCO Chair in Sustainable Engineering is a Chair that corresponds directly to ICESCO’s topmost priorities for the Organizations under its new vision and action strategy i.e. youth training and capacity building and sustainability. This capacity building will be related to issues on the decline of enrollment of students into STEM, the future outlook of the engineering programmes, and the impact of sustainable engineering on the sustainability of the society. The objectives of the ICESCO Chair in Sustainable Engineering are as follows:
Global objectives
1. To develop the capacities, skills, and expertise for sustainable engineering of the Muslims.
2. To promote an integrated system of research, training, information, and documentation of sustainable engineering with a focus on wellbeing, sustainability, and humanity.
Specific objectives
1. To strengthen the Asia-Pacific Futures Network through workshops, focus group discussions, conferences, online courses, and joint research on the direction to increase enrollment in STEM education at the secondary level of education as the feeder for sustainable engineering at the tertiary level.
2. To integrate future studies and sustainability in policy-making for capacity building focusing on engineering education
It is hoped that this appointment can inspire everybody to continue work sincerely and effectively for the betterment of the Department, Kulliyyah, and the University