News & Events

Post-Incident Lab Safety Briefing for CHES student
       14 Jun 2024
In response to recent incidents in the E5 laboratory, the CHES Department and the OSHA Unit of the KOE organized a Lab Safety Briefing on June 14, 2024. Held in the Computer Lab at E5-2F, the event saw about 30 undergraduate and postgraduate students and some lecturers in attendance. The briefing was given by Kulliyyah Engineer,  Sr. Azliza Embong and Sr. Rashidah Rashid.


Sr. Azliza Embong


Sr. rashidah Rashid

The briefing emphasized the importance of lab safety and the commitment to student well-being. The session covered essential safety guidelines, including wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and the importance of reading SDS of the chemicals being used for their experiments. The supervisors are also required to review the chemicals and the experimental procedures prepared by the students.

Emergency procedures were detailed, familiarizing students with the important contact numbers during the emergency, evacuation procedures, and the importance of reporting incidents were also discussed. The briefing stressed thorough planning and adherence to standard operating procedures (SOPs) for experiments and the correct handling of hazardous materials.


Students engaged actively, asking questions and seeking clarification on safety protocols. The session concluded with a reinforcement of the discussed guidelines and a thank you to the participants. The briefing significantly enhanced students’ safety awareness, enabling them to approach lab work with greater confidence and security.
