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Petronas Research Sdn Bhd (PRSB) Visit to the CHES Department
       16 May 2024

From right: Sr. Aqila (MSc), Sr. Soumayat (MSc), Sr. Nadia (MSc), Dr. Farah, Dr. Azlin, Attendees from PRSB (En Ghadaffi, En Hasrizal and Dr. Qamarul)

On 16th May 2024, the Department of Chemical Engineering and Sustainability had the honor of hosting a visit from Petronas Research Sdn Bhd (PRSB), one of the research grant funders. The visit was attended by the two lecturers, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Azlin Suhaida Bt. Azmi, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Farah Binti Ahmad, three Masters student, Nur Aqila Syafiqa Abdul Nuri, Soumayat Ali Mze and Nadia Syauqi Syahid Mohammed. From PRSB, Mr. M. Ghaddaffi M. Nor, Dr. Hasrizal Abd Rahman, and Dr. Qamarul Hafiz Zainol Abidin. The agenda of the visit included discussions on current research progress and tours of the fabricated prototypes and lab facilities. The visit provided an opportunity to showcase the latest prototype developments and to discuss future projects and collaborations.

During the visit, we showed several prototypes of photobioreactors designed for microalgae cultivation through carbon dioxide capture and utilization. Each prototype was meticulously designed to address specific challenges and demonstrate the feasibility of the research concepts. The diversity and potential impact of the prototypes impressed the funder, sparking a fruitful dialogue on potential funding opportunities.

Prior to the lab and the prototype visits, we discussed several key issues emerged with the grant funder, prompting in-depth conversations. We addressed each concern transparently and outlined strategies for overcoming technical hurdles. The visit concluded with a discussion on potential areas for future research collaboration between the department and Petronas Research. This visit was a valuable opportunity for the department to showcase our research capabilities, exchange ideas, and explore avenues for future collaboration. The presentation of fabricated prototypes led to engaging discussions on various research topics, paving the way for future partnerships.
