News & Events

Exit Meeting Sem 2 2023/2024
       20 Jun 2024
Heartfelt congratulations to all students in their final semester of their bachelor’s degree. Your hard work and perseverance have brought you to this significant milestone. Take pride in your accomplishments and eagerly anticipate the next phase of your journey.

Each semester, we hold an exit meeting, providing a chance for lecturers to engage with our esteemed students before they depart from the department. For the second semester of 2023/2024 academic year, the meeting took place on 20th June 2024 in Conference Room C, level 4, E0, commencing at 2pm. Following their final FYP2 presentations in the morning, the evening was reserved for celebration and gathering students feedback on our program.

The agenda commenced with a warm welcome from the Head of Department, Prof. Ir. Dr. Mohammed Saedi Jami, who praised the students for completing their bachelor’s degree at IIUM on time. The meeting progressed with a review and evaluation of the program outcomes, focusing primarily on student feedback to continually enhance our program. The students, showing great support, attended and offered valuable suggestions and comments for improvement. Subsequently, Prof. Ts. Dr. Maizirwan Mel, as a senior lecturer giving his last valuable advice. He mentioned that an ‘Engineer’ is a problem solver. Therefore, one should not give up on their endeavors as success will follow. He also advised maintaining a strong network among lecturers and friends, as success often depends on networking. Lastly, he emphasized the importance of acting with good intentions and giving back to society.

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Following him, AP Dr Dzun Noraini emphasized the importance of becoming a Professional Engineer. The Kulliyyah will organize a bulk registration later, so students should seize this chance to register as graduate engineers. The requirements can be found on the BEM website. After three years of practice, you may then consider the pathway to becoming a professional engineer and obtaining the Ir. title. AP Dr Farah then presented alternatives to a career in engineering, suggesting students consider postgraduate studies. She mentioned a fast-track program where students can earn a master’s degree within one year, for instance, by continuing their Final Year Project (FYP). Last, Dr Ricca spoke about Alumni relations and the importance of giving back to the department.


Finally, the HOD provided an opportunity for all present lecturers to offer congratulations and parting advice to the students. One piece of valuable advice for students is to enhance their soft and social skills while seeking job opportunities, as this can provide added value during the interview process. As a representative of the students, Br. Hassan Azhari expresses gratitude and appreciation for the efforts of all lecturers. He also extends an apology on behalf of his peers and conveys his hope that our student association, CHESTA, will prosper and have a bright future


The session continued with the announcement of the ‘Best Presentation Prof. Suleyman Award’ for the FYP2 presentations. This award is dedicated to the Allahyarham Prof. Suleyman Aremu Muyibi, who served as the second Head of the Biotechnology Engineering Department and passed away in 2014. The honorees were Br. Mohammad Othman bin Mohd Fuad, Sr. Nik Misha Adrina binti Nik Ahmad Shafrizal, Sr. Nurul Fadhilah binti Rosdin and Sr. Nurulnadiah Jasmin binti Mohamed Daud. Each recipient was awarded a certificate and a cash prize, courtesy of the department’s generous lecturers. The event concluded with a photography session featuring the lecturers and students, with special thanks to Dr. Wan Mohd Fazli for serving as the photographer. The department also provided light refreshments, sponsored by the CHES Welfare Committee.


Br. Mohammad Othman bin Mohd Fuad


Sr. Nik Misha Adrina binti Nik Ahmad Shafrizal


Sr. Nurul Fadhilah binti Rosdin


Sr. Nurulnadiah Jasmin binti Mohamed Daud

As the FYP2 coordinator, I encourage you to start planning for your future. Whether you’re entering the workforce or pursuing further studies, consider updating your resume, creating a portfolio, and networking with potential employers. And don’t forget to celebrate your well-deserved accomplishments. I offer my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to my dear students, with the hope that you will become successful engineers making significant contributions to the Ummah. Wishing you the best of luck in your future endeavors!
