News & Events

CHES Raya Gathering 2023
       12 May 2023
One of the annual events in CHES department is Raya gathering among the members which held in the month of Syawal. This is an awaiting event of the year, where most of the staffs (academic and technical) can have a friendly chat in a more relaxed situation. Most of the staffs especially the female can’t await to style a new dress during this occasion.  Programs like this are important to strengthen ties while being able to get closer together with each other.

This year, Raya gathering was organized by CHES Social Welfare Committee on 12th May 2023 from 11.30 am to 1.00 pm which held at CHES meeting room, level 3, E5. The main dish for this event is grilled lamb which sponsored by the department, using monthly collection money among the academic staffs. Other foods are by pot-luck concept to make more variety during the event. Besides members of the department, invitations are also made up to the staff from Offices of Dean, Academic Affair, Students’ Affair and Postgraduate. All staffs are very happy to have chit-chatting while enjoying the foods during the event.
