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CHES Department went for DisKOE 2024
       19 May 2024
DisKOE 2024

From left: Naim, Dr. Firdaus, Alif Zikri, Azri, Shaqeelah, Liyana (Diskoe committee) at CHESTA Booth before the students come

DisKOE was an event organized by the Kulliyah of Engineering at IIUM to introduce students at the Centre of Foundation Studies, Gambang, to the various engineering programs offered by the university. The event featured booths representing all six engineering departments at IIUM: Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronic Engineering, Civil Engineering, Manufacturing and Materials Engineering, and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Each department had at least two representatives present at their booth to explain the program and answer student questions.


Preparation of Diskoe


Preparation for CHESTA

Naim and I (Ziqri) represented the Chemical Engineering department at the DISKOE event. We explained the details of our program to interested students.Dr Azlin as Student Academic Advisor who gave a general explanation about Chemical Engineering & Sustainability and Dr. Firdaus as Deputy Dean for Kulliyyah of Engineering.


Diskoe presentation to CFS students


Dr Azlin give a talk about Chemical Engineering and Sustainability course in IIUM


Lecturer and student (Brother side) during the event


Lecturer and student (Sister side) during

During the event, we noticed that many students seemed hesitant to approach the Chemical Engineering booth, often favoring Electrical, Aerospace, and other engineering programs. We believed this might have been due to the difficulty they experienced with chemistry during their Centre of Foundation Studies (CFS) program. Students often assumed that Chemical Engineering heavily relied on the same challenging chemistry they encountered in CFS. However, this wasn’t quite true. While Chemical Engineering did involve some chemistry subjects like Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry, and Life Sciences, these were only a few aspects of the program. Another misconception we encountered was that Chemical Engineering careers were limited to the oil and gas industry. In reality, the field offered a wide range of opportunities in diverse sectors like environmental protection, pharmaceuticals, petroleum, research and development, and many more


Brief about flow of program by Program Manager (Irdina) & Program Coordinator (Liyana)


Me explain to a student about chemical engineering course at IIUM


Naim explain about Chemical Engineering course to a student

In conclusion, DISKOE served as a valuable platform to introduce engineering programs to students at the Centre of Foundation Studies. While we noticed some students shy away from the Chemical Engineering booth due to misconceptions about the program’s reliance on complex chemistry, we were able to clarify these misunderstandings and showcase the program’s diverse applications across various industries.
