News & Events

CHES Department Spring Cleaning
       30 Aug 2022
A lab spring cleaning or ‘gotong-royong’ activity has been successfully held at CHES Department on 30th August 2022. This activity was conducted during the semester break, and marked a fresh start for the improvement of lab condition after the pandemic. The aim of this activity was to strengthen the ‘ukhuwah’ among the members of Department, while promoting the spirit of togetherness or unity in keeping the labs clean and tidy. It may also boost the quality of research and reduce unnecessary spending when doing experimental work.

Present at the event were academic and technical staff, as well as postgraduate students working in the laboratories. The activities include removing unnecessary items, sorting the small apparatus, glassware, and consumables, as well as cleaning the benches, fume hoods, and specific areas in the research labs. It is hoped that this small step will lead to better lab conditions, which will result in harmonious surroundings for students to perform their research work and projects. The Technical, Lab & Procurement (TLP) committee extends their gratitude to all members of the Department for the full support and participation, and it is hoped that the ‘gotong-royong’ will be part of the Department’s annual activities in the future years.
