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CHES Department Received Accreditation Visit by Engineering Accreditation Council
       30 May 2024
  by Noor Illi

From left: Dr. Firdaus, Dr. Wan, Prof. Zahangir, Prof. Saedi, Ir. AP. Dr. Bijarimi Bin Mat Piah (EAC panel UMPSA), Ir. Prof Thomas Choong Shean Yaw (EAC panel from UPM), Ir. Dr. Nur Hidayati Othman (EAC panel from UiTM), Dr. Fathilah, Dr. Husna, Dr. Illi, Dr. Sakinah, Dr. Dzun, Dr. Munira, Dr. Azlin

The Kulliyyah of Engineering recently hosted an important accreditation visit from the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) on May 29-30, 2024. This visit was crucial for evaluating the quality and standards of the three programme offered by the Kulliyyah: Mechanical-Automotive, Civil, and Chemical Engineering. The first day of the accreditation visit saw dynamic interactions between the Evaluation Panel and IIUM’s academic community. The panel was welcomed with remarks from IIUM’s top management, setting a collaborative tone for the review process. The panel then conducted a thorough review of essential documents and held detailed discussions with the heads of departments about curriculum design and the Quality Management System.

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Opening remarks by EAC head of delegation and top management of IIUM


Photography session with all EAC delegates responsible for accrediting the Chemical, Mechanical, and Civil Engineering Programme.

The panel then conducted a thorough review of essential documents and held detailed discussions with the heads of departments about curriculum design and the Quality Management System. For CHES department, the accreditation is for the Bachelor of Chemical Engineering with Honours undergraduate program. Three panel were involved: Ir. Prof Thomas Choong Shean Yaw from UPM, Ir. AP. Dr. Bijarimi Bin Mat Piah from UMPSA, and Ir. Dr. Nur Hidayati Othman from UiTM.

In the afternoon, the panel met with students to gather insights into their academic experiences, followed by meetings with external stakeholders, including employers, alumni, and industry advisors, to assess the relevance and effectiveness of the programs.

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Prof Saedi explains about chemical engineering programme under CHES to EAC panel

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Session with conceptual design project (CDP) and integrated design project (IDP) coordinator

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Online session with alumni

The second day focused on inspecting other facilities that relate to student welfare and development. The Evaluation Panel toured laboratories, libraries, and other key infrastructure, ensuring they met the high standards required for accreditation. The panel also engaged with academic, technical, and administrative staff to understand the operational aspects of the programs better.

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Panel visit to the library

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Panel visit to the counselling and career service centre

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Panel visit to KOE smart classroom

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Panel visit to CHES computer lab

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Panel visit to CHES teaching laboratories

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The visit included a detailed review of examinations, course materials, and student work to ensure academic rigor. The day concluded with the panel preparing their findings and discussing them with the CHES staff followed by closing with IIUM’s senior leadership team during the exit meeting.

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Exit meeting with CHES members

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The successful completion of this accreditation visit underscores Kulliyyah commitment to maintain and enhance the quality of its engineering education. The two-day thorough and rigorous evaluation of our Chemical Engineering program by the panel will enable us to continuously improve and achieve excellence in preparing students for successful engineering careers.

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