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A Visit to SIRIM Bukit Jalil by CHEN1311 Class
       07 Jun 2024
On June 7, 2024, CHEN1311 (Material Science for Chemical Engineers) class visited SIRIM in Bukit Jalil for an industrial tour. Dr. Wan Mohd Fadzli led the visit, with assistance from two postgraduate students. The purpose was to deepen our understanding of 3D printing by experiencing its real-world applications firsthand, aligning theory with practical knowledge in our daily lives.

02. SIRIM Visit
03. SIRIM Visit

As we arrived at the SIRIM, we were greeted by Ts. Dr Hawani Mat Tuselim, Acting Director, Innovative Engineering of Smart Manufacturing Center. Dr Hawani  briefed us about responsibilities that were carried out by SIRIM. SIRIM stands for Standard and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia and is one of the government organizations that stand under the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MITI). The visit has become an eye opening to us, students. Before we came to SIRIM, we only know that SIRIM is an organization that provides safety validation services for daily life tools and industrial equipment. However, it is beyond what we have thought since SIRIM also involved in research and development, innovation and invention.

04. SIRIM Visit

Dr. Ts. Nurul Hawani Mat Tuselim, Director of Innovative Engineering, Smart Manufacturing Centre, SIRIM

05. SIRIM Visit

Dr. Juliana Janurudin, Senior Engineer, Industrial Centre of Innovation in Biomedical, SIRIM

06. SIRIM Visit
appreciation SIRIM - Dr Hawani
Appreciation SIRIM - Dr. Juliana

Following the introductory talk by Dr. Hawani and Dr. Juliana, we were given a tour of the 3D printing facilities at SIRIM. Encik Izafri and Dr. Juliana, a senior engineer, demonstrated the practical applications of 3D printing in various industries. For instance, they showcased a custom-made automatic collector and balance for stingless bee farms, designed to measure the number of bees and the amount of honey per hive. This innovation eliminates the need for manual data recording by automatically capturing and recording all necessary information. Another example of 3D printing’s capabilities is the use of polymer powder to create dental retainers and anatomical models for educational purposes. With a specialized bio-grade resin 3D printer, a dental retainer can be produced in just 30 minutes, significantly reducing patient wait times. In the 3D scanning department, Sir Mathew demonstrated how to use a 3D scanner to develop models for printing. The scanner allows us to digitize existing products, which appear on the screen, enabling us to redesign them without starting from scratch. This technology streamlines the design process and enhances efficiency.

10. SIRIM Visit
11. SIRIM Visit
12. SIRIM Visit
13. SIRIM Visit
14. SIRIM Visit
15. SIRIM Visit
09. SIRIM Visit

Dr. Juliana explained about how 3D printing finds its application in real industries

We also visited the Smart Manufacturing Experience Centre, where we were presented with a fully automated product manufacturing process. This Centre, an initiative under the Centre of Excellence for Smart Manufacturing, enables small and midsize enterprises (SMEs) to assess, learn, and understand relevant platforms, technologies, and use cases, helping to propel them into the Industry 4.0 era.

16. SIRIM Visit
17. SIRIM Visit

we would like to express our deepest appreciation to SIRIM for being willing to accept our visit and give us a lot of knowledge about the scope of the career and future, the reality of the field of material science, how technology goes rapidly by time and how to apply in our life as an engineering students.
