Report on Used Cooking Oil Collection in IIUM

The collection program of ‘Used Cooking oil (UCO) from all cafeterias and food courts in the IIUM areas have been carried out since November 2020. This activity is a part of the Green Materials Project organised by the Advanced Materials and Surface Engineering Research Unit (AMSERU), Kulliyyah of Engineering in collaboration with Residential Services Department (RSD), IIUM. The objective of this programme is to spread the awareness and educate the IIUM community on the application of 5R in daily life habit, focus on right handling of UCO through recycling practice for the conservation of the environment. During this project, the owner of each cafeteria is requested to place their UCO in a provided container. The UCO will be collected by the designated operator when the container is filled. The UCO is purchased by the operator at the price of RM1.00/kg and the UCO will be processed into useful products such as biodiesel. Until Dec 2022, 1,389 kg of UCO has been successfully collected from IIUM cafeterias. The details of the collection of used cooking oil reported by the operator company until Dec2022 are as can be found here.