Department of Science in Engineering carries out intensive research activities in various areas of Mathematics, Statistics, Physics and Mechanics. Few research projects have been completed and others are in progress. The department has a research group of “Computational and Applied Mathematics” which is collaborating with other groups in the Kulliyyah of engineering as well as with other research groups locally and internationally.
Research Group:
Computational and Applied Mathematics (Mathematical Modeling and Simulation in Engineering)
This group is a multidisciplinary group merges the strength of applied mathematic, numerical analysis and simulation to derive, analyze and solve mathematical models of complex problems. The main objective of this group is to carry out research, to train young researcher and maintain expertise in the mathematical modeling, simulation and large scale scientific computation on engineering problem for IIUM community and industry. The group has interests in several topics such as: mathematical modeling in structure dynamics and vibration, mathematical modeling in fracture mechanics and wave propagation, modeling and simulation of multi-body dynamics, flexible robots, trajectory planning and control, quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, computational physics, nanomaterial science, computational chemistry and high energy physics.