PhD and MSc in Engineering
The Department of Science in Engineering offers PhD and Master of Science in Engineering (research mode) programmes. There are two specialisations under both programmes: Engineering Science and Engineering Mathematics. Engineering Science is a branch of engineering that employ various scientific principles and covers multi-disciplinary areas in the research and development of emerging technologies. Typical examples include but not limited to space technology, nanotechnology, optoelectronics, biotechnology and others. Engineering mathematics refers to a branch of applied mathematics that concerns the mathematical methods and techniques used in engineering and industry.
Staff from the Department of Science in Engineering are involved in various areas of research. Potential postgraduate candidates who are interested to study PhD or Master of Science in Engineering under the supervision of staff from the department are welcome to contact the staff personally. Below is the list of staff in alphabetical order :
Dr. Abdul Aziz Ahmad
PhD: Biochemical-Biotechnology Engineering
Current research interest/work: Thermostable enzymes, molecular dynamics simulation
Professor Dr. Abdumalik Rakhimov
PhD: Differential Equations, DSc: Mathematical Physics
Current research interest/work: Applied athematics, harmonic analysis, heat and wave problems with math solutions
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jamal I. Daoud
PhD: Statistics
Current research interest/work: Regression models and regression model assumptions, inferential statistics, experimental design
PhD: Mathematics
Current research interest/work: Numerical analysis, fluid mechanics, heat equations
Dr. Maziati Akmal Mat Harttar @ Mohd Hatta
PhD: Materials Engineering
Current research interest/work: Advanced and smart materials, piezoelectric, renewable energy
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohd Lukman Ibrahim
PhD: Physics
Current research interest/work: Semiconductor devices, organic photovoltaics
Dr. Mohd Saiful Riza Bashri
PhD: Electronics Engineering
Current research interest/work: Biomedical imaging/sensing, radio-frequency (RF) MEMS components, RFID
Dr. Norhanis Aida Mohd Noor
PhD: Communication Engineering
Current research interest/work: Free space optics, visible light communications

Dr.Nurizan Omar
PhD: Materials Engineering
Current research interest/work: Engineering materials

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Raihan Othman
PhD: Physics
Current research interest/work: Electrochemical materials and devices, thin film technology

Dr. S.M. Afzal Hoq
PhD: Engineering (Mathematical Modelling)
Current research interest/work: Partial Differential Equations, Finite Elements methods, Heat Transfer, Structural Analysis, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Fluid and Solid Interactions (FSI), Bio Medical Analysis